Interview with journalist & author Sahar Zaman
In the 100th year celebrations of #TalatMahmood, his grand-niece writes an award-wiining biogpraphy of his life, with unknown, exlcusive insights into the King of Ghazals. The man behind the Velvet Voice! Navabharat News interviews Sahar in this special show.
तलत महमूद से BRICS कांफ्रेंस तक... क्या थे वो किस्से ? | Talat Mahmood के जीवन के अनसुने किस्से....जन्मशताब्दी वर्ष पर नातिन ने लिखी किताब | Baton Baton Mein | Exclusive interview.
#Author #SaharZaman #Books #bollywood #legend
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